Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh, Brother!

Ethan tried Weetbix this week. I mixed up a little bit of formula and drizzled a tablespoon or so onto one in a bowl and let it soak in for a while. It softened the Weetbix up enough so that Ethan would be able to pick it up with his hands to eat it. I popped it on his tray and he poked it for a little while, then had a taste. He also mushed a fair bit up and rubbed it well into the tray! It was a whole new kind of mess! He seemed to enjoy it though! Of course, his brother Josh was watching him do this, and being a Weetbix Kid himself, the next day while he was eating his breakfast he decided to do it Ethan style!

Josh finds it quite interesting to observe Ethan eating. He must have been watching closely, because I have caught him imitating his little brother on more than one occasion! He will chew his mouthful of food and then dribble it down his chin!

Ethan has also had his first couple of tastes of meat. We cooked a nice, juicy steak last week, and gave him a strip. He tried that first out of what he was offered on his tray, chewing and sucking on it for quite some time, until it was completely flattened and looking pretty grey. That is a good sign - while he didn't break any bits off and swallow it, the meat juices contain a good amount of nutrients, in particular iron.

Over the weekend I did a roast chicken in the slow cooker, which is always a favourite in our house! I pulled strips of the breast meat off along the grain, so that it wouldn't fall apart when he chewed it. He didn't seem to enjoy it quite as much as the steak, but he did give it a good enough go. We will try again next time!

We have had a bit of a heatwave the last few days, so have been eating a few salads and stir fries. We had 3 different coloured capsicums (peppers) so we let Ethan try a few strips of each. And from that we have discovered that the red one is his favourite! Nigella Lawson would be pleased!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Motoring along

Happy Australia Day everyone!

We have tried a few new foods this week, each of them being a big hit with Ethan. First was toast for breakfast. I decided that I would spread a bit of avocado on it, since he has been having a bit of trouble picking that up on its own - slippery little suckers they are! So I toasted a slice of wholemeal bread, spread a thin layer of lovely ripe avocado on it, de-crusted it, and sliced into soldiers. Before I had even placed it on his high chair tray he grabbed it out of my hand! I was a bit concerned he might bite a chunk off and swallow it without chewing it, but he sucked on it for a while, got the avocado off, and then a few bits started to come off. He was a little startled when it got stuck to the roof of his mouth at one stage, and I had to help him out a bit, but he seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly!

The next new food was yogurt. I make my own yogurt, using an Easiyo yogurt maker. According to the manufacturer of this yogurt maker, freshly made yogurt has around a billion healthy bacteria per spoonful on the first day it is made. The bacteria will diminish as each day passes, which makes homemade yogurt a lot more beneficial than shop bought. Also the yogurts don't contain any artificial flavours, colours or preservatives. So I decided that since Ethan officially hit 6 months last Saturday (the 22nd), I would let him have a taste of yogurt, and rather than go out and buy him the "Baby Yogurt" variety he could have some of the delicious home made stuff! So i popped a bit into one of his little bowls (well his brother's bowls - hand me downs from the puree days 2 years ago!) and dipped a rusk into it and he put it straight into his mouth. The look on his face pretty much said it all - he loved it! He didn't really understand the dipping concept, so I helped him out with that, but he definitely understood the sucking it off the rusk part! By the end of the meal he looked chuffed with himself, and happy with his achievements!

Aside from the nutritional benefits down the track with BLW, I have already noticed another benefit - it is helpful in developing motor skills. Last night for dinner I made him some chip-shaped roasted potatoes. I placed them in front of him, and straight away he picked them up and started chomping on them! Then he did an amazing thing and used his thumb and tips of his index finger and middle finger to pick up one of the 'chips' and take it to his mouth! Already we have evidence of him developing the pincer grip! Pretty good for a 6 month old! At lunch time I had offered him half a banana with a bit of the skin peeled back and cut off so he could eat the top of it like a lollipop. Just a couple of weeks ago I had tried this and he was having difficulty holding onto it. Yesterday he had no problem at all!

He is also getting a lot better at chewing and swallowing. He was gagging quite a bit last week, but just in the last few days he has been chewing for a little while before I can visibly see him make purposeful swallowing movements (and usually i can hear him swallowing too - very cute!) After his meal he always gives me a huge grin, as if to say "Thanks Mum!".

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lucky Dog

Baby-Led Weaning is a messy business. Mess on the high chair. Mess on the floor. Mess on the baby. Mess on me! As we are experimenting with different foods, Ethan is deciding what he likes and dislikes. If he likes something, his eyes will widen and he will stuff it in his mouth - then of course gag on it because he hasn't quite figured out how to deal with all that food just yet. He is slowly getting better though!

On the other hand, when he dislikes something there are a few different ways he will show us. One of these is releasing his grip on the item of food in his hand and it will fall into his lap, only for us to find a pile of food on his seat when we remove his tray. Another is that he will put it in his mouth, take it out, and then scream very loudly. And finally he will shoot his arm out over the side of the high chair and throw the food away! This very final method means that piece of food is gone forever - the other methods we can retrieve the food and put it back in case he changes his mind. But once it goes on the floor thats it - even if we were to use a drop mat, we have no choice - because our dog Barney is there in a flash, cleaning up the mess! I think no one could be more pleased than Barney that Ethan has reached the age of solid foods. It means he will be getting all sorts of extra treats through the day!

So in the last few days, Ethan has tried a couple of new foods. Banana - he has been offered it before but was having trouble picking it up. I decided to mash it up and give him a pre-loaded spoon. He couldn't get it into his mouth fast enough! Zucchini - steamed until just soft. It wasn't one of his favourites, it ended up being donated to Barney pretty quickly. That doesn't mean we will  never offer it to him again. Sometimes it can take 10 to 20 tastes of a food before they decide they like it, so I won't give up on the zucchini just yet!

In the next few days i am hoping to let him taste some more fruits, since his diet so far has been mostly vegetables. We will have a go with plums, nectarines and apricots. I am forecasting that he will love those, given how well watermelon and banana went down! Ethan is turning 6 months old on Saturday, so I am also going to start introducing him to foods such as yogurts, cheese, bread, cereals and meat. Not all at once of course, just gradually as he improves his skills with firmer foods.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Anti-aging properties of potato

We were having Shepherd's Pie for dinner tonight, so I decided that Ethan could try some mashed potato. There were two ways I figured that he could get the potato into his mouth: scooping it up with his fingers, or with a pre-loaded spoon. I was interested to see what he would do with the spoon, so decided to try that. 

We sat down to dinner, and I put about half a teaspoon of potato on a little baby spoon and held it out to him. He immediately grabbed it with both hands and took it straight to his mouth, removed the potato and started making chewing movements! Clever little lad! He kept sucking on the spoon even after all the potato was gone, and had such a tight grip it was hard for me to get it back! He was so keen on the potato that he started putting it into his mouth faster and faster, getting a little bit ahead of himself resulting in getting it over his face, and all over his nose! It was quite amusing to say the least! He was having a good time with it though! Maybe he knows something about potato that we don't? It might have some sort of anti wrinkle properties for all we know!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Exhibit A

Ethan definitely loves his roast veges. He really went to town on them the other night. He also had his first gagging experience. It was a bit nerve-racking, but he managed to sort it out himself. He got a little over-excited and stuffed the whole stick of roasted sweet potato in his mouth all at once, chewed for a little while and then attempted to swallow it. He went a bit red and coughed and spluttered, eyes watering, but then it went down. He then got on with things and picked up his next piece of vegetable as if the gagging episode had never happened! Needless to say, it did get our hearts racing, and caused his Dad to jump out of his chair, pull the tray off the high chair and started to get Ethan out, but before he did Ethan had sorted things on his own! Hopefully the gagging is a rare occurance! 

We have been trying to figure out how much Ethan is actually eating - not that its really a big deal this early in the piece, but it would be interesting to know. The next morning, we found out that he has actually been swallowing some of his food - we had evidence! Its funny how before kids you wont go anywhere near a dirty nappy without making a huge fuss. Once you become a parent, you can spend a fair amount of time analysing the contents of them! On this occasion, I was probably a little over-excited to find evidence of some sweet potato in there! So much so that I yelled out to let Steve know, and he came in to inspect for himself! At least I am not the only one inspecting the contents of dirty nappies!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fruit, wonderful fruit!

One of the things I like about BLW is the variety - there is no need to give baby the food for 3 days at a time before moving onto the next, as with spoon feeding. Unless of course there is a family history of allergies - none of which we have! So it has given us free reign to be able to give Ethan whatever is suitable from our meals.

Last night we were a bit naughty and had take away - it was just one of those days where the cooking was not going to happen at the end of the day. Of course, Ethan couldn't really partake in that meal, so I took the opportunity to let him try a some watermelon. I cut it up into thick sticks, thankfully it was a seedless variety so i didn't need to look for pips, and away he went! Well, what a hit that was! I think it was the combination of the coldness on his teething gums, and the ease with which he was able to get some of the delicious juicy fruit down the hatch that was the drawcard. He gripped onto the watermelon and stuck the end in his mouth and sucked on it, his eyes getting wider and wider, and sucking more furiously as he got the taste of it. The juice dribbled down his chin and all down his bib. When he dropped it occasionally, he would scream as if we had taken away his favourite toy! As soon as he got the watermelon back he was happy, until he dropped it.This went on for about 10 minutes, and I think he managed to get a fair bit into him.

This morning I decided that since the watermelon went so well, I would let him try some apple for morning tea. It wasn't a particularly soft apple, but i thought he might gum it for a while and get at least a little juice out of it. He seemed to be getting a bit frustrated and bored with it after about 30 seconds, so I cut him a couple of sticks of watermelon. Ahhhhh, that's better!!!

After a shopping trip later in the morning we went to do a bit of shopping, arriving back home just in time for lunch. I made us all some fruit salad and yogurt, and cut up a nice wedge of pear for Ethan, leaving the skin on, and of course a bit of the old favourite, watermelon! For the sake of variety, he had the pear first. He seemed to love it! He held it with both hands while the end of it was in his mouth and sucked at it for a while. Then a little bit broke of, and he did exactly what it says in Gill Rapley's book - he sucked on it for a while, then spat out what was left - just the skin! How amazing is that for a 5.5 month old! What a clever little man.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Baby Linguine?

Not many people have heard of Baby-Led Weaning. In fact, whenever i mention to someone that we are using the Baby-Led Weaning approach to solids, they say "baby linguine?". Then I end up explaining the whole concept to them and I think a lot of people think its a bit strange! Not that I blame them, because I used to think the same thing! 

However, once you have seen it in action, it really does show you that its a great way to introduce babies to solid foods - and it makes perfect sense! It teaches them how to manage food in their mouths,  how to chew and swallow, and also improves their fine motor skills. Even though Ethan has only sat down to a solids meal a handful of times now, I can already see his motor skills are improving. 

One of the main benefits of BLW is that you can give your baby the same food as the rest of the family (within limits of course - I wouldn't feed him a curry just yet!). We were having roast vegetables the other night, so as I prepared our dinner, I cut a few extra chip-shaped pieces of potato and sweet potato for Ethan. He was so pleased at dinner time when he had the roasted vegetables in front of him! He tried each one with gusto! He even managed to get some of the fluffy potato in his mouth and chew on it! He looked like a little old man who had forgotten to put in his teeth, it was a really great moment!

Finger foods first!

I first heard of Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) 2 years ago, on a forum that I frequent. At first, i thought it sounded a little out there, and continued to feed our first son Josh by spoon, struggling as he got older to get him to swallow lumps without gagging, and generally just having a hard time getting him to eat. It was a lot of work making the purees, cleaning up the mess made in the kitchen, and then being disappointed when he didn't want to eat the resulting sludge! Now that i think back, who can blame him? I don't think I would want to eat a funny coloured combination of meat, vegetables and sauce! 

After having our second son Ethan, I decided to do a bit more research into BLW. I started by reading blogs and websites on the subject, and was quite amazed by what I was reading, so I ordered the book Baby-Led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett. It arrived in the post just after Christmas, and as I started to read it, I was sitting there nodding my head agreeing with almost everything it said! 

Ethan was almost 5.5 months old, and I thought he was showing some of the signs mentioned in the book that signal readiness to begin solids. So that night, I prepared some extra pieces of broccoli with extra long stalks just for him! I sat him in his high chair, tray on, and showed him his first piece of broccoli! He straight away took it out of my hand and put it straight to his mouth and licked it. The look of shock on his face was priceless! Still getting the hang of holding onto things for a length of time, he did keep dropping it, but i picked it up and he took it back countless times, each time putting it back to his mouth. Pretty soon a few bits started to disintegrate into his mouth. I am not sure that he swallowed anything that first day but he did seem to have fun! We let him continue to play with the broccoli until he showed signs of getting frustrated.

So that was Ethan's first attempt at solids! It seemed to be a success - he was managing to hold it for a little while and getting it to his mouth, having a lick and experimenting with this strange green mini tree!  It was fantastic seeing his expressions while he was doing it, and the best thing was that he was sharing our meal with us!